Guide to the Five Elements (Wu Xing) in the Chinese Zodiac: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Sexagenary Cycle
By Amber Zhang |
The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are widely recognized, but did you know they are deeply intertwined with the Wuxing(Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth)? Understanding your zodiac sign's elemental attribute can reveal how it influences your life and how you interact with the world around you.
In this guide, you'll discover how the five elements shape each zodiac sign and learn practical Feng Shui tips to manage and counterbalance negative environmental influences.
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The Sexagenary cycle is an ancient Chinese system of timekeeping that combines the Ten Heavenly Stems (Jia甲, Yi乙, Bing丙, Ding丁, Wu戊, Ji己, Geng庚, Xin辛, Ren壬, Gui癸) and the Twelve Earthly Branches (Zi子, Chou丑, Yin寅, Mao卯, Chen辰, Si巳, Wu午, Wei未, Shen申, You酉, Xu戌, Hai亥). Together, they form 60 unique combinations used to record years, months, days, and even hours.
- Heavenly Stems: These originate from ancient astronomical observations of the sun, moon, and stars.
- Earthly Branches: These are closely tied to the Earth’s revolutions and were used in ancient China to track time.
Each year in the Sexagenary cycle is presided over by a deity, known as the "Tai Sui" or "Jupiter Deity." These deities are believed to influence the fortunes and challenges humanity faces during their respective years.
What Are the Chinese Zodiac Signs?
The Chinese zodiac is a 12-year cycle represented by animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. These animals correspond to the Twelve Earthly Branches and have rich cultural and symbolic meanings.
The Connection Between the Sexagenary Cycle and the Huajia Zodiac
Combining the Twelve Earthly Branches (zodiac animals) with the Ten Heavenly Stems creates a system called the Huajia Zodiac. Each zodiac sign appears in different elemental variations within the Sexagenary Cycle. For example:
- A person born in a "Xin Chou" year of the Ox is considered a "Metal Ox."
- Someone born in a "Gui Chou" year of the Ox is a "Water Ox."
The Wuxing(Five Elements) in the Chinese Zodiac
Each combination of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches determines a zodiac sign’s elemental attribute: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth. These elements enrich the zodiac's cultural significance and offer insights into an individual’s character, destiny, and fortune.
For example:
- Metal Ox: Symbolizes strength and wealth.
- Water Ox: Represents wisdom and adaptability.
Table of Wuxing(Five Elements) by Zodiac Sign
Golden Rat (Jiazi Year)
Individuals born in the years 1924 or 1984 are part of the Jiazi Rat year. Their Na Yin element is "Metal in the Sea," symbolizing the destiny of the Golden Rat.
Water Rat (Bingzi Year)
Those born in 1936 or 1996 belong to the Bingzi Rat year. Their Na Yin element is "Water in the Stream," representing the destiny of the Water Rat.
Fire Rat (Wuzi Year)
People born in 1948 or 2008 are associated with the Wuzi Rat year. Their Na Yin element is "Thunder Fire," indicating the destiny of the Fire Rat.
Earth Rat (Gengzi Year)
Individuals born in 1960 or 2020 fall under the Gengzi Rat year. Their Na Yin element is "Earth on the Wall," representing the destiny of the Earth Rat.
Wood Rat (Renzi Year)
Those born in 1912 or 1972 are part of the Renzi Rat year. Their Na Yin element is "Mulberry and Expanded Wood," signifying the destiny of the Wood Rat.
Golden Ox (Yichou Year)
People born in 1925 or 1985 belong to the Yichou Ox year. Their Na Yin element is "Metal in the Sea," symbolizing the destiny of the Golden Ox.
Water Ox (Dingchou Year)
Those born in 1937 or 1997 are associated with the Dingchou Ox year. Their Na Yin element is "Water in the Stream," representing the destiny of the Water Ox.
Fire Ox (Jichou Year)
Individuals born in 1949 or 2009 fall under the Jichou Ox year. Their Na Yin element is "Thunder Fire," indicating the destiny of the Fire Ox.
Earth Ox (Xinchou Year)
People born in 1961 or 2021 are part of the Xinchou Ox year. Their Na Yin element is "Earth on the Wall," representing the destiny of the Earth Ox.
Wood Ox (Guichou Year)
Those born in 1913 or 1973 are part of the Guichou Ox year. Their Na Yin element is "Mulberry and Expanded Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Ox.
Water Tiger (Jiayin Year)
Individuals born in 1914 or 1974 are part of the Jiayin Tiger year. Their Na Yin element is "Great Stream Water," signifying the destiny of the Water Tiger.
Fire Tiger (Bingyin Year)
Those born in 1926 or 1986 belong to the Bingyin Tiger year. Their Na Yin element is "Furnace Fire," representing the destiny of the Fire Tiger.
Earth Tiger (Wuyin Year)
People born in 1938 or 1998 are associated with the Wuyin Tiger year. Their Na Yin element is "City Wall Earth," indicating the destiny of the Earth Tiger.
Wood Tiger (Gengyin Year)
Individuals born in 1950 or 2010 fall under the Gengyin Tiger year. Their Na Yin element is "Pine and Cypress Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Tiger.
Golden Tiger (Renyin Year)
Those born in 1962 or 2022 are part of the Renyin Tiger year. Their Na Yin element is "Gold Foil," signifying the destiny of the Golden Tiger.
Water Rabbit (Yimao Year)
People born in 1915 or 1975 are part of the Yimao Rabbit year. Their Na Yin element is "Great Stream Water," representing the destiny of the Water Rabbit.
Fire Rabbit (Dingmao Year)
Those born in 1927 or 1987 belong to the Dingmao Rabbit year. Their Na Yin element is "Furnace Fire," signifying the destiny of the Fire Rabbit.
Earth Rabbit (Jimao Year)
Individuals born in 1939 or 1999 are associated with the Jimao Rabbit year. Their Na Yin element is "City Wall Earth," indicating the destiny of the Earth Rabbit.
Wood Rabbit (Xinmao Year)
People born in 1951 or 2011 fall under the Xinmao Rabbit year. Their Na Yin element is "Pine and Cypress Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Rabbit.
Golden Rabbit (Guimao Year)
Those born in 1963 or 2023 are part of the Guimao Rabbit year. Their Na Yin element is "Gold Foil," representing the destiny of the Golden Rabbit.
Fire Dragon (Jachen Year)
Individuals born in 1964 or 2024 are part of the Jachen Dragon year. Their Na Yin element is "Buddha's Light Fire," symbolizing the destiny of the Fire Dragon.
Earth Dragon (Bingchen Year)
Those born in 1916 or 1976 belong to the Bingchen Dragon year. Their Na Yin element is "Sand in the Earth," signifying the destiny of the Earth Dragon.
Wood Dragon (Wuchen Year)
People born in 1928 or 1988 are associated with the Wuchen Dragon year. Their Na Yin element is "Great Forest Wood," representing the destiny of the Wood Dragon.
Golden Dragon (Gengchen Year)
Individuals born in 1940 or 2000 fall under the Gengchen Dragon year. Their Na Yin element is "White Wax Gold," indicating the destiny of the Golden Dragon.
Water Dragon (Renchen Year)
Those born in 1952 or 2012 are part of the Renchen Dragon year. Their Na Yin element is "Long Flowing Water," symbolizing the destiny of the Water Dragon.
Fire Snake (Yisi Year)
People born in 1965 or 2025 belong to the Yisi Snake year. Their Na Yin element is "Buddha's Light Fire," signifying the destiny of the Fire Snake.
Earth Snake (Dingsi Year)
Individuals born in 1917 or 1977 are associated with the Dingsi Snake year. Their Na Yin element is "Sand in the Earth," representing the destiny of the Earth Snake.
Wood Snake (Jisi Year)
Those born in 1929 or 1989 fall under the Jisi Snake year. Their Na Yin element is "Great Forest Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Snake.
Golden Snake (Xinsi Year)
People born in 1941 or 2001 are part of the Xinsi Snake year. Their Na Yin element is "White Wax Gold," indicating the destiny of the Golden Snake.
Water Snake (Guisi Year)
Those born in 1953 or 2013 belong to the Guisi Snake year. Their Na Yin element is "Long Flowing Water," representing the destiny of the Water Snake.
Golden Horse (Jiawu Year)
Individuals born in 1954 or 2014 are associated with the Jiawu Horse year. Their Na Yin element is "Sand in the Metal," signifying the destiny of the Golden Horse.
Water Horse (Bingwu Year)
People born in 1966 or 2026 fall under the Bingwu Horse year. Their Na Yin element is "Celestial River Water," representing the destiny of the Water Horse.
Fire Horse (Wuwu Year)
Those born in 1918 or 1978 are part of the Wuwu Horse year. Their Na Yin element is "Celestial Fire," symbolizing the destiny of the Fire Horse.
Earth Horse (Gengwu Year)
Individuals born in 1930 or 1990 are associated with the Gengwu Horse year. Their Na Yin element is "Roadside Earth," indicating the destiny of the Earth Horse.
Wood Horse (Renwu Year)
People born in 1942 or 2002 are part of the Renwu Horse year. Their Na Yin element is "Willow Wood," signifying the destiny of the Wood Horse.
Golden Goat (Yiwei Year)
Those born in 1955 or 2015 belong to the Yiwei Goat year. Their Na Yin element is "Sand in the Metal," representing the destiny of the Golden Goat.
Water Goat (Dingwei Year)
Individuals born in 1967 or 2027 are associated with the Dingwei Goat year. Their Na Yin element is "Celestial River Water," symbolizing the destiny of the Water Goat.
Fire Goat (Jiwei Year)
People born in 1919 or 1979 are part of the Jiwei Goat year. Their Na Yin element is "Celestial Fire," indicating the destiny of the Fire Goat.
Earth Goat (Xinwei Year)
Those born in 1931 or 1991 belong to the Xinwei Goat year. Their Na Yin element is "Roadside Earth," representing the destiny of the Earth Goat.
Wood Goat (Guiwei Year)
Individuals born in 1943 or 2003 are part of the Guiwei Goat year. Their Na Yin element is "Willow Wood," signifying the destiny of the Wood Goat.
Water Monkey (Jiashen Year)
People born in 1944 or 2004 belong to the Jiashen Monkey year. Their Na Yin element is "Water in the Spring," symbolizing the destiny of the Water Monkey.
Fire Monkey (Bingshen Year)
Individuals born in 1956 or 2016 are associated with the Bingshen Monkey year. Their Na Yin element is "Fire at the Foot of the Mountain," representing the destiny of the Fire Monkey.
Earth Monkey (Wushen Year)
Those born in 1968 or 2028 fall under the Wushen Monkey year. Their Na Yin element is "Great Post Road Earth," signifying the destiny of the Earth Monkey.
Wood Monkey (Gengshen Year)
People born in 1920 or 1980 are part of the Gengshen Monkey year. Their Na Yin element is "Pomegranate Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Monkey.
Golden Monkey (Renshen Year)
Those born in 1932 or 1992 belong to the Renshen Monkey year. Their Na Yin element is "Sword-Point Gold," representing the destiny of the Golden Monkey.
Water Chicken (Yiyou Year)
Individuals born in 1945 or 2005 are born in the Yiyou Chicken year. The Na Yin element for this year is "Water in the Spring," representing the destiny of the Water Chicken.
Fire Chicken (Dingyou Year)
Those born in 1957 or 2017 are born in the Dingyou Chicken year. The Na Yin element is "Fire at the Foot of the Mountain," symbolizing the destiny of the Fire Chicken.
Earth Chicken (Jiyou Year)
People born in 1969 or 2029 are part of the Jiyou Chicken year. The Na Yin element for this year is "Great Post Road Earth," marking the destiny of the Earth Chicken.
Wood Chicken (Xinyou Year)
Individuals born in 1921 or 1981 belong to the Xinyou Chicken year. The Na Yin element is "Pomegranate Wood," which represents the destiny of the Wood Chicken.
Golden Chicken (Guiyou Year)
Those born in 1933 or 1993 are born under the Guiyou Chicken year. The Na Yin element here is "Sword-Point Gold," symbolizing the destiny of the Golden Chicken.
Fire Dog (Jiaxu Year)
People born in 1934 or 1994 are born under the Jiaxu Dog year. The Na Yin element for this year is "Fire on the Mountain Top," signifying the destiny of the Fire Dog.
Earth Dog (Bingxu Year)
Those born in 1946 or 2006 belong to the Bingxu Dog year. The Na Yin element is "Earth on the Roof," which represents the destiny of the Earth Dog.
Wood Dog (Wuxu Year)
Individuals born in 1958 or 2018 are born in the Wuxu Dog year. The Na Yin element here is "Level Ground Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Dog.
Golden Dog (Gengxu Year)
People born in 1970 or 2030 fall under the Gengxu Dog year. The Na Yin element for this year is "Hairpin and Bracelet Gold," representing the destiny of the Golden Dog.
Water Dog (Renxu Year)
Those born in 1922 or 1982 belong to the Renxu Dog year. The Na Yin element is "Great Sea Water," symbolizing the destiny of the Water Dog.
Fire Pig (Yihai Year)
People born in 1935 or 1995 are born under the Yihai Pig year. The Na Yin element for this year is "Fire on the Mountain Top," signifying the destiny of the Fire Pig.
Earth Pig (Dinghai Year)
Individuals born in 1947 or 2007 belong to the Dinghai Pig year. Their Na Yin element is "Earth on the Roof," which represents the destiny of the Earth Pig.
Wood Pig (Jihai Year)
Those born in 1959 or 2019 are born in the Jihai Pig year. The Na Yin element is "Level Ground Wood," symbolizing the destiny of the Wood Pig.
Golden Pig (Xinhai Year)
People born in 1971 or 2031 fall under the Xinhai Pig year. The Na Yin element for this year is "Hairpin and Bracelet Gold," marking the destiny of the Golden Pig.
Water Pig (Guihai Year)
Individuals born in 1923 or 1983 belong to the Guihai Pig year. The Na Yin element here is "Great Sea Water," representing the destiny of the Water Pig.